
Call Java Programs from Julia

Reflection API

Sometimes it’s impossible to infer exact object types and method signatures just from Javadocs. In such cases Java reflection API may be used to discover actual state of affairs. JavaCall provides convenient wrappers for the most import methods.

Inspecting methods

Consider the case of generic collections:

JHashMap = @jimport java.util.HashMap
jmap = JHashMap(())

Because of type erasure, JVM knows nothing about constraints of generic types and we can put any objects into HashMap. If we want to put a pair where both key and value are strings, we may naively write:

jcall(jmap, "put", JString, (JString, JString), "foo", "text value")

Which will immediately lead to the error:

ERROR: Error calling Java: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: put

This happens because although HashMap has a method called “put”, in JVM this method has rather different signature. We can find it using function listmethods:

listmethods(jmap, "put")
# 1-element Array{JavaCall.JavaObject{Symbol("java.lang.reflect.Method")},1}:
# java.lang.Object put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)

listmethods() returns an array of all object methods (represented as JMethod type), optionally filtering them by name. Julia than prints them so that you can inspect their signatures.

From the output of the previous command we see that put() expects 2 arguments of type JObject (alias to java.lang.Object) and returns an object of the same type. Now we can modify our call:

jcall(jmap, "put", JObject, (JObject, JObject), "foo", "text value")

Which works well. You can also inspect individual properties of Java methods using the following functions with self-explaining names:

Inspecting classes

Now imagine that somewhere later in the code we want to retrieve the value with the key “foo” from the map. The signature for this method is:

listmethods(jmap, "get")
# 1-element Array{JavaCall.JavaObject{Symbol("java.lang.reflect.Method")},1}:
#  java.lang.Object get(java.lang.Object)

So we can call this methods like this:

obj = jcall(jmap, "get", JObject, (JObject,), "foo")
# JavaCall.JavaObject{Symbol("java.lang.Object")}(Ptr{Void} @0x0000000000000000)

Note that this method returns an instance of java.lang.Object, although the underlying object may have a more narrow type. To call methods of underlying object in both - Java and Julia - we need to convert it to the expected type. E.g. in Java:

HashMap map = new HashMap(); // note: no type parameters specified,
                             // so `map` is essentially a `HashMap<Object, Object>`
map.put("foo", "text value");
Object obj = map.get();
obj.trim();                  // compile-time error: Object doesn't have a method `trim()`

String str = (String)obj;
str.trim();                  // works fine

And in Julia:

jmap = JHashMap(())
jcall(jmap, "put", JObject, (JObject, JObject), "foo", "text value")
obj = jcall(jmap, "get", JObject, (JObject,), "foo")  # JavaObject{Symbol("java.lang.Object")}
jcall(obj, "trim", JString, ())  # run-time error: jcall can't find method `trim()` in `java.lang.Object`,
                                 # producing another `NoSuchMethodError`

str = convert(JString, obj)      # JavaObject{Symbol("java.lang.String")}
jcall(obj, "trim", JString, ())  # works fine

If we don’t know exact type of the underlying object or want to save a couple of keystrokes, we can simply call narrow:

obj = jcall(jmap, "get", JObject, (JObject,), "foo")     # JavaObject{Symbol("java.lang.Object")}
narrow(obj)                                              # JavaObject{Symbol("java.lang.String")}

Other functions for inspecting object’s class:

Types are objects

Java relfection API isn’t quite simple, working with it from Julia may be even harder. The reason is that you have to work with 4 different kinds of objects - Java types, Java objects, Julia types and Julia objects. Let’s start with the Java side.

In Java you normally work with objects, i.e. instances of classes, e.g. in:

Foo foo = new Foo();

Foo is the name of the class and foo is an instance of that class. Just like int is the name of a type and 42 is an object of that type.

In Julia syntax is different, but in general idea is the same:

bar = Bar()

Bar - name of a type, bar - an object of that type.

JavaCall let’s you treat Java classes (types of Java objects) just like you would normally do with other types:

JFoo = @jimport Foo    # import Java class Foo
jfoo = JFoo(())        # create an object of Java class Foo

This is how you normally use JavaCall and it should be pretty straightforward.

But both - in Julia and Java - types/classes are themselves objects! In Java, each class is an instance of java.lang.Class (e.g. java.lang.Class<Foo>) and in Julia each type is an object of type DataType. So when you have a name of a class/type at hand, you can treat them either as types or objects. For example in Java:

void myFunction(Foo foo) { ... }   // <-- Foo acts as a type, i.e. qualifier of
                                   //     objects that can be passed to the function

Class<Foo> fooClass = Foo.class             // <-- Foo acts as an object. You can create an instance of that class
Class<Foo> fooClass = Class.forName("Foo")  //     or call class methods (as opposed to instance methods)

To access Java classes as object, Julia provides a special function:

foo_class = classforname("Foo")   # roughly equivalent to `Class.forName("Foo")` in Java

To summarize: