Installing RCall.jl

RCall.jl can simply be installed with


Customizing the R installation

There are two ways to configure the R installation used by RCall.jl:

Should you experience problems with any of these methods, please open an issue.

Customizing the R installation using Julia's Preferences system

You can customize the R installation using Julia's Preferences system by providing appropriate paths using RCall's Rhome and libR preferences. Julia's Preferences system allows these to be set in a few different ways. One possibility is to add the following to a LocalPreferences.toml file in the same directory as a project's Project.toml file:

Rhome = "/path/to/env/lib/R"
libR = "/path/to/env/lib/R/lib/"

When these preferences are set, they take precedence over the R installation configured using the R_HOME environment variable when RCall.jl was last built.

(Experimental) Usage with CondaPkg

Unlike customizing the R installation using R_HOME, the Preferences-based approach allows for each of your Julia projects using RCall.jl to use a different R installation. As such, it is appropriate for when you want to install and manage R with CondaPkg. Assuming that RCall and CondaPkg are installed, the following script will install a CondaPkg-managed R and set the correct preferences so that RCall.jl will make use of it.

using Libdl
using CondaPkg
using Preferences
using UUIDs

const RCALL_UUID = UUID("6f49c342-dc21-5d91-9882-a32aef131414")

target_rhome = joinpath(CondaPkg.envdir(), "lib", "R")
if Sys.iswindows()
    target_libr = joinpath(target_rhome, "bin", Sys.WORD_SIZE==64 ? "x64" : "i386", "R.dll")
    target_libr = joinpath(target_rhome, "lib", "libR.$(Libdl.dlext)")
set_preferences!(RCALL_UUID, "Rhome" => target_rhome, "libR" => target_libr)

So that CondaPkg managed R finds the correct versions of its shared library dependencies, such as BLAS, you must arrange for the Conda environment to be active when RCall is imported so that native library loading paths are set up correctly. If you do not do so, it is still possible that things will appear to work correctly if compatible versions are available from elsewhere in your library loading path, but the resulting code can break in some environments and so is not portable.

At the moment there are two options for arranging for this:

  1. (Recommended) Use CondaPkg.activate!(ENV) to permanently modify the environment before loading RCall.
  2. (Experimental) Use CondaPkg.withenv() to change the environment while loading RCall/R and R libraries using native code. After the CondaPkg.withenv() block, the Conda environment will no longer be active. This approach may be needed if you need to return to a unmodified environment after loading R. Note this approach has not been thouroughly tested and may not work with all R packages.
RCall = CondaPkg.withenv() do
    RCall = @eval using RCall
    # Load all R libraries that may load native code from the Conda environment here
    return RCall

Customizing the R installation using R_HOME

The RCall build script (run by Pkg.add(...) or will check for an existing R installation by looking in the following locations, in order.

  • The R_HOME environment variable, if set, should be the location of the R home directory. You could run R.home() in R to determine its location.
  • Otherwise, it runs the R RHOME command, assuming R is located in your PATH.
  • Otherwise, on Windows, it looks in the Windows registry.

To change which R installation is used for RCall, set the R_HOME environment variable and run"RCall"). Once this is configured, RCall remembers the location of R in future updates, so you don't need to set R_HOME permanently.

ENV["R_HOME"] = " of R home....""RCall")

As well as being setting R_HOME to a path, it can also be set to certain special values:

  • When R_HOME="*", RCall.jl will automatically install R for you using Conda.
  • When R_HOME="", or is unset, RCall will try to locate R_HOME by asking the copy of R in your PATH and then –- on Windows only –- by checking the registry.
  • When R_HOME="_", you opt out of all attempts to automatically locate R.

In case no R installation is found or given at build time, the build will complete with a warning, but no error. RCall.jl will not be importable until you set a location for R using the Preferences system.

R_HOME-based R installation is shared

When the R installation is configured at RCall.jl install time, the absolute path to the R installation is currently hard-coded into the RCall.jl package, which can be shared between projects. This may cause problems if you are using different R installations for different projects which end up using the same copy of RCall.jl. In this case, please use the Preferences system instead which keeps different copies of the compiled RCall for different R installations. You do not need to rebuild RCall.jl manually for this, simply setting the relevant preferences will trigger rebuilds as necessary.

Standard installations

If you want to install R yourself, rather than relying on the automatic Conda installation, you can use one of the following options:


The current Windows binary from CRAN.


The CRAN .pkg or the homebrew/science tap.


Most Linux distributions allow installation of R from their package manager, however these are often out of date, and may not work with RCall.jl. We recommend that you use the updated repositories from CRAN.


The following will update R on recent versions of Ubuntu:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E084DAB9
sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb $(lsb_release -s -c)-cran40/"
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y r-base r-base-dev

See also the official documentation on CRAN: Ubuntu Packages For R.

Julia ≤ 1.8: Failure on recent Linux distributions

The version of libstdc++ shipped by Julia might be outdated if you are using a recent Linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu 19.10) and make use of certain R packages (e.g. Rcpp). In this case RCall will fail with an error message looking similar to this:

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘package’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
unable to load shared object '/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/Rcpp/libs/':
/home/user/julia-1.3.1/bin/../lib/julia/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found 
(required by /home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/Rcpp/libs/

This issue was fixed in Julia 1.9 (see but a workaround for older Julia versions is to replace Julia's libstdc++ with the one of your OS:

# works for Ubuntu 19.10 64-bit - match your locations accordingly!
cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ $JULIA_HOME/lib/julia/

This problem doesn't affect Julia ≥ 1.9!

Other methods

If you have installed R by some other method (e.g. building from scratch, or files copied but not installed in the usual manner), which often happens on cluster installations, then you may need to set R_HOME or your PATH as described above before running"RCall") in order for the build script to find your R installation. RCall requires R to be installed with its shared library. It could be done with the flag --enable-R-shlib, consult your server administrator to see if it was the case.

For some environments, you might also need to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH


Updating R

If you have updated your R installation, you may need to re-run"RCall") as described above, possibly changing the R_HOME environment variable first.